Google changes it’s favicon

Google have changed their favicon.


Google's New Blue Fav Icon


Wikipedia define thus, “A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a website icon, shortcut icon, url icon, or bookmark icon is an icon associated with a particular website or webpage.” In short a favicon is generally used to reflect the identity of a web site. You can find it in the address bar, in your browser’s tabs, in the list of bookmarks or in some feed readers like Bloglines.

For those who are observant,you may have noticed this image while accessing Google websites.

Our designers at have come up with a favicon, lets know if you do NOT like it!

Our favicon: hawlast hosting

Learn how to create a favicon for your website at or at Wikipedia

2 thoughts on “Google changes it’s favicon”

    1. Hey, we have been doing an upgrade…check it out now…on the old website we didn’t have a favicon on the blog…but hey..there you go!

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