Some of the goals that can be achieved by launching a website include the following:
1. Far Cheaper and Much More Flexible Than Print Advertising
The Internet is extremely different from print advertising in that space is cheap, your advertisement is accessible for a longer period of time, the content can be changed and you can potentially reach a wider audience.Remember internet users in Kenya are on the increase with reduction in costs of internet access.
This is not to say that you should not use other forms of advertising at all. In fact make sure that every poster, brochure or newspaper advertisement has your website address on it!
2. Reach a larger audience
The Internet has allowed businesses to break through the geographical barriers and become accessible, virtually, from any country in the world by a potential customer that has Internet access.
Remember the Obama campaign on his website, Facebook,My space….That is the power of the internet in use.
3. Diversify Revenue Streams
You can use a website to sell advertising space to other businesses.
You can also sell complementary products or services on the website as a way of diversifying revenue streams.
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Your website can be used to answer all those common questions from customers –in your absence for example during a holiday or weekend when you business is closed. Tell them to visit your website for information they are looking for. For example my web hosting page has all you need to know about our hosting features.
5. Offer Convenience
It is far more convenient for a person to research a product on the Internet than it is to get in a car, drive somewhere and look for or ask someone for information on a product.
The potential customer can visit your website whenever they like in their own privacy and comfort, without the stresses and distractions that exist in the real world.
6. Add Value and Satisfaction
Your website can add value in other ways too, by featuring tips, advice and general interest content you can entertain your customers. This will also help them remember you better. For example I give tips on web design and give information on Internet access in Kenya to my potential customers.
8. Improve credibility
A website gives you the opportunity to tell potential customers what you are about and why you deserve their trust and confidence. In fact, many people use the internet for pre-purchase research so that they can determine for themselves whether a particular supplier or brand is worthy of their patronage, and wont take them for a ride.
The Internet also allows for Viral Marketing where your website visitors spread positive word-of-mouth about your business – your customers do your marketing!
9. Promote your Brick n Mortar Presence
Getting lost trying to find a place can be frustrating for a potential customer. You can publish what they call a dummy map on your website, which shows directions and landmarks graphically, and the potential customer can print it out when looking for your Brick n Mortar premises.
Because a website is flexible you can change the content as you like you can change you contact details instantly and lower the risk of losing customers when moving to a new location.
10. Growth Opportunity
A website serves as a great place to refer potential investors to, to show them what your company is about, what it has achieved and what it can achieve in future.
12. Cheap Market Research
You can use features on your website such as visitor polls, online surveys and your website statistics to find out what your customers like more and how they feel about certain aspects of your business to determine how you can improve your product and the way you do business.
Website statistics show you how much traffic your website receives, how the visitor got to your website and where, geographically, the visitor is from.
13. Freedom to share your opinion
A personal or business website (blog included) gives you the power to write what you want when you want. A blog can be used to write articles for your website, share your knowledge and expertise with out being held back by bureaucracy inherent in the newspapers, for example you will not need the approval of the copy editors.No one ‘kills your story’ anymore!