Search Engine Optimization in Kenya

Most small business owners in Kenya have discovered the need to have a web site and for this reason we are getting more and more inquiries about web design and web hosting. Having a web site expands your audience and enables you to be accessible 24/7.

But simply ownership of a website is not a guarantee for web traffic or increase in customer base.

There are two broad ways of increasing traffic to your website:

  • Paid advertising

This is where you advertise through Google, Yahoo, or through popular web sites in Kenya like Nation, Standard and to get traffic to your web site.

  • Search Engine Optimization

Everyday people search for products and services through Search Engines like Yahoo and Google. Your aim as a web site owner should be that your site appears in the 1st page of the results. This will increase the chances that someone will see a link to your web site.

The process and techniques of increasing your rank in search engines is what is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is the best approach of increasing traffic to your web site since it is cost effective – natural.

To carry out web site SEO, the vital question to ask is, “what phrase or word do people search when looking for my products or services?” This phrases or words are what are called ‘keywords’ in SEO jargon. To improve your search ranking you therefore need to include these key words in your web page:

  • title,
  • meta tags
  • Headings.
  • Repeated several times in the content/body of each page.

As a web site owner you should strive to have the most relevant and current about your products or services. Relevant and vast content about your topic will help immensely improve your web site ranking in Search Engines.

The easiest way to ensure that you have current and relevant content is by the use of a blog. A blog enables you to publish new content without going through your web designer. It will help your business to share your wisdom and lessons learned in your area of expertise; especially if the knowledge would be relevant to a lot of people. Furthermore, every post you write on your blog is a new page on your site. Every page on your website is an opportunity to rank for a few keyword phrases, hence more traffic to your site.

Contact us today and let us install a WordPress blog for you.


Posted in: SEO

4 thoughts on “Search Engine Optimization in Kenya”

  1. Search engine optimization is indeed an important strategy to increase traffic into your website. If you have an online business, more visitors mean higher possibility of buyers. And if you have a monetized blog, more visitors mean higher possibility of more people clicking on the ads. I do SEO for my websites and blogs. And this has helped me a lot in my success.

  2. im a newbie in Search Engine Optimization and i still need to study more on internal linking. Currently, what i do to optimize my website is just make as many backlinks as possible.

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